Black Walnut, Juglans nigra
Location: 43.539523, -80.259220

This black walnut is one of two in Sunny Acres park which likely predate the creation of the park in 1939 when the property was expropriated by the city for back-taxes.
The black walnuts of Sunny Acres likely self seeded much like the various offspring which will be found on surrounding properties. At the time, Edinburgh Road would have been known as Concession 1 at the outskirts of a young city, and many of the streets which now make the boundaries of Sunny Acres were yet to be surveyed.
Today, the trees are known to regularly stop park visitors in awe of their canopies and enormous trunks. Shade provided by the trees comforts various activities of a busy community park: over the wading pool, which has cooled residents for over 70 years, the sandbox and playground where children play, and the picnic tables which host daily social gatherings informal and organized, including the annual Sunny Acres Community Picnic. A favourite memory for Sunny Acres residents is watching the kids fire needle-nosed air rockets into a candy-filled piñata suspended in its branches at the community picnic.
When casually surveyed of notable trees the local residents were unanimous; these black walnuts are treasured.
Notable Tree submission made by Ben Cullen