Nomination Categories

When you nominate a tree, you will be asked to select a nomination category. You can nominate as many trees as you like in each category below:

Size – Let’s find Guelph’s largest trees! We are looking for the biggest circumference. To determine the circumference, wrap a flexible measuring tape around the trunk of the tree at approximately 1.3m from the ground. Make sure the tape is snug to the tree and perpendicular to the trunk. Click here for more details and how to measure the big trees of Guelph.

Beauty – Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder! What makes a tree beautiful? Is it the structure of the branches, the way it catches the morning the light, or the way it defines your home. Capture the beauty of your favourite tree and submit it to us – a photograph would be great, but even just tell us why the tree is beautiful and submit that!

Best tree story – Everything has story to tell. Was you tree planted on the birth of a loved one or did it survive the great ice storm of 1998. Submit your tree stories to us and tell us about the reason that your tree means so much to you.

Best Heritage tree – Heritage trees are notable specimens due to their size, form, shape, beauty, age, colour, rarity, genetic constitution or other distinctive feature. They also have historic or cultural value.  We’re looking for trees that meet some of the criteria of a heritage tree.  Heritage trees must be protected, so tell us about any trees you think should be defined as a heritage tree.

Best Wildlife Tree –  Trees are an important food source and safe harbour for many different types of wildlife. Not only do birds love to sing from the tree tops, but squirrels seem to love to play all day jumping from branch to branch. Trees are also an incredibly important source of food for bees and other pollinators. In part due to their large size which contains thousands of flower heads giving the pollinators their important source of food all in place. Do you know of a tree that attracts wildlife to it in your neighbourhood! Send us a photo or description of your favourite tree that attracts critters of all shapes and sizes.

Fill out your: 2022 Great Tree Hunt Nomination Form and submit to us today!