Notable Trees of Guelph 2021
“A notable tree, cherished by the community for its heritage value and as a fine example of its species” Do you know a tree or group of trees in Guelph …
“A notable tree, cherished by the community for its heritage value and as a fine example of its species” Do you know a tree or group of trees in Guelph …
Presented at the Arb Expo September 14 at the Guelph Arboretum by Sean Fox. This year, the Guelph Urban Forest Friends are introducing the inaugural Henry Kock Award for Tree …
Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is the only native oak species that is indigenous to the Guelph area. It is identified by the “bur” like protrusions on the edge of the …
Do you know someone that goes above and beyond in advocating for trees in the Guelph area. Nominate them for the 2021 Henry Kock Award. Submission deadline is August 30, …
Theme of the photo contest: The Tree Timeline Categories: Past-The Storyteller Present-Here and Now Future- The Oracle