Wednesday Noon hour walk: Getting to know our native trees
University of Guelph - Arboretum 200 Arboretum Rd, Guelph, ON, CanadaWalk starts at The Arboretum kiosk at the Campus entrance to the Arboretum
Walk starts at The Arboretum kiosk at the Campus entrance to the Arboretum
Tree Trust Neighbourhood Walk : Join us for a 1km neighbourhood walk to learn about retaining older trees in the urban forest, and how you can help Guelph grow with …
Read more "Caring for our Canopy: Retaining older trees and planning for the next generation"
Come out for an evening of drinks and tree trivia. Test your tree and forest knowledge with your team and win a prize. Cash bar. Doors open at 7:30 PM …
Community tree planting event open to all ages. Join Trees for Guelph and other volunteers plant native trees and shrubs on the west side of the woodlot in Norm Jary …
Tree Bingo is a fun and educational game designed to celebrate National Forestry Week, perfect for families to enjoy together while learning about different types of trees and their characteristics. …